Have you ever noticed your dog perking up when you say the word "car"? Or how about when you put on slippers and your dog runs to the door, thinking it's time for a walk? These funny moments are all thanks to something called incidental learning!
What is Incidental Learning?
Incidental learning is like learning by accident. It's not planned; it just happens while you're doing other things. Dogs pick up on things by watching, repeating actions, socializing, and solving problems. It's similar to how we learn things without even trying, just by being around others and doing our daily tasks.
How Dogs Learn Incidentally
Let's take my dog, Pepper, for example. She learned a lot just by hanging around and observing us:
- Repetition : By hearing the word "car" often, she figured out it meant going for a ride.
- Social Interaction : She learned who in the house is most likely to give her treats!
- Problem Solving : She even figured out how to open doors by watching us.
Why Incidental Learning is Great
Incidental learning is fantastic because it doesn't feel like a lesson. It's natural and often requires less effort. Plus, most dogs are smart enough to pick up on what they need to know.
5 Fun Ways to Promote Incidental Learning in Your Dog
Teach Through Natural Actions: Want your dog to "check in" with you on hikes? Reward them every time they do it on their own. They'll start doing it naturally without being asked.
Create Learning Opportunities: Be intentional with your words and actions around skills you want your dog to learn. For example, if you want your dog to wait at the door, practice this behavior consistently during your daily routine.
Use Their Interests: If your dog loves playing ball but barks at the doorbell, use the ball to your advantage. Toss the ball when the doorbell rings, and soon your dog might grab the ball instead of barking.
Mix Learning with Fun: While playing tug-of-war, slip in some training. Between play sessions, ask for a sit or a heel. Your dog will be having fun and learning new skills at the same time.
I hope these tips help you teach your dog new skills in a fun and easy way. Happy training!